Apr 28, 2016 12:00 AM
Keep up with the latest information from the Annual Meeting and
join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #ASCO16.
Add your Twitter handle to your badge when registering to
make it easy for fellow attendees to connect with you
(visit am.asco.org and select “Registration” for instructions).
Meet your social media connections in real life
at the 2016 Annual Meeting Tweet Up on
Saturday, June 4, at 5:45 PM CST (RSVP online).
Follow @ASCO for official news and updates.
In case it doesn't clash with a Melanoma session- in which case we would
be tweeting Melanoma news- might be a good idea to attend?
join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #ASCO16.
Add your Twitter handle to your badge when registering to
make it easy for fellow attendees to connect with you
(visit am.asco.org and select “Registration” for instructions).
Meet your social media connections in real life
at the 2016 Annual Meeting Tweet Up on
Saturday, June 4, at 5:45 PM CST (RSVP online).
Follow @ASCO for official news and updates.
In case it doesn't clash with a Melanoma session- in which case we would
be tweeting Melanoma news- might be a good idea to attend?